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Welcome to church’s blog

About me

My name is Church ZHONG. Now I am a Senior Software Development Engineer(android system) in HMD Global. My experience and skills:

  1. 10+ years of experience in Embedded software development;
  2. Proficient c++&java programming skills, includes Rust/Python/Perl/Javascript/Bash/Golang;
  3. Accomplished coder of Qt and Android and Linux driver and application;
  4. Skilled ARM32/AArch64/X86/X64 assembly languages programming and much experience of binary analysis(include core dump/crash/profile);
  5. Have sufficient knowledge of Ethernet and Wi-Fi connectivity, and much experience of TCP/IP programming includes HTTP/DHCP/DNS protocols and IPv4/IPv6;
  6. Master how to make WBS and improve frequent daily work as automatic tasks.

Time Management

  1. Plan/Do/Check/Action
  2. Work Breakdown Structure
  3. Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats
  4. Urgent Important Matrix



  1. 目标必须是具体的(Specific)
  2. 目标必须是可以衡量的(Measurable)
  3. 目标必须是可以达到的(Attainable)
  4. 目标必须和其他目标具有相关性(Relevant)
  5. 目标必须具有明确的截止期限(Time-based)


Planning/Organization/Staffing/Directing/COordinating/Reporting/Budgeting 计划、组织、职员、指导、协调、汇报、预算



  1. Systems
  2. Style
  3. Skills
  4. Safety values
  5. Structure
  6. Staff commitment
  7. Strategies
  8. Safety policy(goals)
  9. Safety Culture


  1. Sort
  2. Straighten
  3. Sweep
  4. Sanitary
  5. Sentiment
  6. Safety
  7. Save
  8. Study


  1. Seiri 整理
  2. Seiton 整顿
  3. Seiso 清扫
  4. Seiketsu 清洁
  5. Shitsuke 素养
  6. Safety 安全


Alexander Faickney Osborn brainstorming 6M[改变/增加/减少/替代/颠倒/重组]